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Gameplay Programmer
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The compleate collection of all of the blog posts I've made over the last 4 years.
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Aug 13, 2021
Week of the Deadline
Techno Towers This week we worked hard to meet the release deadline for the 1.0.0 release of Techno Towers. This week I finished...

Aug 6, 2021
Week of Crunch
Techno Towers This week began the rush to finish Techno Towers before the start of the school year. Over the course of the week, I...

Jul 30, 2021
Week of Level Design
Techno Towers This week I finished the waves for level 3 and designed a new level and mechanic for several levels as well as some various...

Jul 23, 2021
Weeks of Testing
Techno Towers Over the past two weeks, I created a tool for recording run history, as well as the map for level 3 and finishing level 2...

Jul 9, 2021
Weeks of Wave Design
Techno Towers During the last two weeks, I created level 2 and balanced waves of enemies for both levels 1 and 2. I also created a new...

Jun 25, 2021
Week of Balancing
Techno Towers This week I spent the majority of my time completely rebalancing Techno Towers since it had been several months since the...

Jun 18, 2021
Week of Cameras
I spent the vast majority of this week setting up a moveable camera in my test project using C++. I also spent some time fixing bugs with...

May 29, 2021
Week of Refactoring
Techno Towers This week I spent my time reorganizing and refactoring some of the core systems in our game as well as making our project...

May 21, 2021
Week of Organization
Techno Towers This week I worked on reorganizing our project as well as implementing new turret and enemy types and assisting with the...

May 14, 2021
Week of Design
Techno Towers This week I primarily worked on designing new features to be added to the game as well as providing support for the...

May 7, 2021
Week of General Improvements
Techno Towers This week I worked on tying up loose ends including adding a relic and an enemy type, implementing some particle systems,...

Apr 30, 2021
Week of Relics
Techno Towers This week was spent working on relics and recovering from Ludum Dare 48. The relics I made were: Jacob's Ladder, Unstable...

Apr 23, 2021
Week of Relics and Bugfixes
Techno Towers This week I worked on adding new relics to the game including Dark Matter Duplicate, Homing, Distributed Power, and...
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