Mirco Star Command Devlog - v0.5.0
This update added two new major mechanics. First is the research system which will reward the player for getting far and challenging themself. Every time the bar fills up the player will unlock new relics that can appear in future runs. The second mechanic is achievements & modifiers, there are currently 10 achievements each with a unique unlock condition like beating an elite in 30 seconds. Each achievement will unlock a modifier that will change the game in some way, like giving the neutral faction an attack, and will increase or decrease the amount of research gained depending on how it affects the difficulty.
Research System
Some relics are now locked behind research, meaning they won't appear until after you've played the game some.
Achievement & Modifier System
10 New Achievements
New Relic: Phalanx Formation
New Relic: Railgun
New Relic: Reality Warper
Buff Oversized Factories
Buff Probe Payloads
Buff Spread Formation
Optimized the game to run much faster, especially in the late game.
Fix info screen elite description
Fix faction bar disappearing when scout formation is used
Fix formation tooltips appearing in the difficulty screen
What's Next
Next, I'll make a host of small visual & balance improvements and work on Steam integrations for the Steam version of the game. I may also add a few more relics & achievements.