Micro Star Command Devlog - v0.3.0
The purpose of this update is to approximately double the length of the current game. It also added the ability to change difficulty, and the ability to skip early sectors depending on how far you have made it in the past.
2 New boss fights.
30 more sectors after the current end of the game.
1 New enemy type: Spiky - Starts with multiple systems and alternates between attacking white and player sectors.
New difficulty selection and & starting sector
Volume settings are now remembered.
Altered galaxy map generation to have a more stable number of shops and elites
Tweaked up sector generation to fit better on screens and have less systems.
Make it so most enemies will not choose a player system as their first attack target.
Improved System Strength text to be more readable
Improve homeworld indicator
Buff Missiles
Nerf Propaganda Machines
Nerf Homeworld Privileges
Nerf money level up
Nerf probe payload
Make enemies scale up their difficulty faster
Fixed the hyperbeam enemy type sometimes never attacking.
Fix systems creating strength before the start of the game.
Fix lingering damage area from hyperbeams
Fix bosses not attacking as frequently as they should.
What's Next?
Next on the agenda is a UI overhaul and balancing tweaks in response to the playtesting that will be happening over the next week. This should involve better tooltips, better hud with info on things like unit ratios and enemy stats and behaviours. It will also include a better tutorial.