Week of Polish "Jam"

Updated: May 22, 2024
Protocol Xeno
The week before last was spent working on the 3to1 Publish, Polish, or Perish Jam for which there was no theme restriction but we had to work on one of our previous games and polish it. For this jam, we decided to work on Protocol Xeno: Excavate!. We dramatically changed the balance of the game to create tradeoffs and encourage the creation of diverse player strategies. We also changed how several features worked and removed unnecessary features. In the end, we didn't really polish the game because the game was not ready to be polished, although it is now ready to be polished and we will be working on just that over the next month or so.
For this jam, I reworked much of the UI, implemented weapon selection, redesigned several features like infill and implemented those redesigns, and worked on balancing.
