Tutorial Improvements & Small Stuff
Micro Star Command
This week I worked on improving the tutorial so that it relies less on a big wall of text and more on smaller dynamic popups. I made popups explaining the galaxy map, risk, enemy types, and formations. I also redid the info screen again, shortened it, and switched it from a slideshow to tabs. It is definitely less overwhelming but playtests showed that people didn't notice them in time and wouldn't do what they said and therefore wouldn't close. I'll likely rework the visuals to be more in your face, and lock out controls until the tutorial segments have been followed.
I also did a good amount of bug fixing and rebalancing. For example last week I changed a bunch of integers to floats; however, even though the math nodes in the code will look fine after refreshing them, they will still truncate the results. To fix it I needed to go through all the math nodes and disconnect and reconnect the pins.
I also made some improvements like adding a red vignette for when low on money or a system is lost. I also started adding some slight theming/lore I wrote an intro text blob, swapped the currency from dollars to earth masses, and updated the win and lose screens to have some flavor text.