Objectives, Reactions, Music, and More; Oh My
Updated: May 22, 2024
Immunity Wars
This week for Immunity Wars I created a lot of smaller mechanics so that next week we can start prototyping properly.
I created an objective system that would allow the designer to customize required and optional objectives as well as loose and win conditions by adding and configuring nodes to the scene tree. The objectives will also auto-generate the appropriate descriptions on the hud.
I also created a reaction system that would allow the designer to make units use actions when things happen. This system reuses the same action that cells use to act. The reactions can also be used to make status effects like damage over time and pushing cells at the end of their turns when standing on certain tiles. It is all configured by adding nodes to the tree.
I also implemented a music manager that would handle persisting music across scene transitions and crossfading between tracks. I also linked it to the settings so it's volume can be adjusted by the player.
I also implemented spawn previews that would show where things are going to spawn and provides tooltips for those tiles. Additionally, I made a variety of control improvements such as adding drag and edge panning, plus better selection logic, and ensuring that even when all the mouse-based controls are bound to the same button, the game still works. I also implemented 5 plus small classes that would do things like apply modifiers and disable abilities that will be needed to make things found in our design doc. And I toped it all off with some refactoring and bug fixing.