Gameplay Programmer
Developed: June 11, 2021 - June 13, 2021
DAD. is a silly game about using physics to defeat and capture your enemies so you can use them to beat the game. This game was a submission to the GMTK Game Jam 2021 and is published on
Team Size: 8
Engine: UE4
Code Language: Blueprint
I worked under the designers to create a physics-based movement and damage system. I also was responsible for balancing the game and tuning its mechanics. The game was created with Unreal Engine 4 using Blueprint.
Post Mortem
Overall the game turned out decently. It was fairly fun to play and was prettier than our other game jam submissions. The mechanics were somewhat interesting but were too challenging. All the art in our game was completed quickly meaning that our artist had time to make the game look good.
Despite this, the game was extremely short and we had to cut a lot of mechanics due to a lack of time to balance them and this resulted in the loss of a lot of what made our game unique. This was due to poor time management and poor task prioritization. If we had prioritized tasks better that would have given idle teammates time to balance the game while new mechanics were added. This would have resulted in our game having much more depth and possibly put us in the running for one of the top spots.